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CalSHARE Data Hub

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How do I use the CalSHARE Data Hub?

There are three steps to get started, and one more to explore further!

  1. Select your geography - this can be a census tract, a group of census tracts within the same county, or a county. Give this geography a name, if you would like.
  2. Select a geography to compare - this also can be a census tract, a group of census tracts, or a county. The default comparison is California state.
  3. Get data on your geography - the three indicators that rank the highest in percentile (i.e., Areas of Strength) for the geography will display in the top row. The three indicators that rank the lowest in percentile (i.e., Areas for Improvement) for the geography will display in the second row. Additional indicators can be added by clicking on the "Add Indicator" button in the third row.
  4. Select a chart to see more detail - Click on "View Details" to further explore a single indicator. A sentence to describe what the chart shows (i.e., interpret the data point), details on the data source, and a full California "hotspot" map of that indicator is provided.

NOTES: We recommend using this website on a computer, instead of a mobile device.

Explore Data by LocationExplore Data by Indicator